Still trying to figure out the hair

So I’m revisiting the memory keepsakes with horse hair (I think it’s actually from a tail). This time I’ve sealed the hair with resin spray and, another twist, I bought a new mold for beads to try. I decided to approach the beads from a variety of angles – first just using a single hair and poking it into the bead mold with no real form, then wrapping the hair around various cylindrical objects and using the resin spray to sort of cajole it into a ring shape before putting it into the bead mold. I was hoping for really well formed rings, but the hair had other ideas. Still I am optimistic.

Prepping everything before I pour the resin
Cajoling the hair into ring shapes with resin spray
Some of the hair in the new bead mold
Here goes nothing! Resin is poured and I placed the hair into the large molds on top of it. The beads are the opposite – hair goes in first, then resin (this will likely be revised as this is my first attempt with the beads). I think the center / left bead will be crooked because the hair is pushing the part of the mold that forms the hole in the bead – strong hair!!
I decided to use some glass nuggets to decorate a couple of these – we’ll see how it looks!

I’m letting all of this cure before I add a final layer to the coaster molds, hopefully tomorrow.

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