Ash Memory Beads

I’ve spent the past few weeks working on the ash versions of these memory beads. This is another new material to get to know, so it has taken some experimenting.

These are from my original rondelle mold. They will be finished with a stainless steel grommet in the hole.
Before demolding the beads – ball beads on top, rondelles on the bottom.
Original rondelle without the grommet
Original rondelle with grommet.
Original rondelle with grommet, on silk necklace.
This is my new rondelle mold. These look great, even without the grommet, and also the center hole is slightly larger than my original rondelle mold. Unfortunately, this mold isn’t as sturdy as my others and one of the molds tore a bit when I was demolding these.
New rondelle.
All the new rondelles demolded.
Ball beads – I tried layering these with clear resin, letting it cure, then adding the ash infused resin on top. Overall, I think the full bead is a better effect, so I don’t plan on layering like this again.
All the ball beads demolded.
Ball beads – varying layers
Ball beads – varying layers.

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