Hummingbird done!

I’m not normally a warm weather person, but it I have to admit that waiting for a 75 degree day to warm up my craft room enough to pour the resin was getting old! I had a bit of a snafu as on the last day that was warm enough, my resin turned out to be a bit questionable, so I tossed it and tried to buy some at my local Michael’s store. However, they did not have my usual resin (Envirotex Lite) in stock, only Mod Podge brand epoxy resin. I went ahead and tried it and it turned out to be a disaster. Tons of bubbles and it was too thick to spread and ended up being lumpy. I had to pour 16 ounces of Envirotex over the first layer to try to even out the lumps. Nothing could be done about the tiny bubbles, but it is what it is. Hopefully it doesn’t detract too much from the overall piece. I have learned my lesson though. Stick with the products you know and love!

Hummingbird with Trumpet Vines

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