Hummingbird w/Mica Sky

I realized I haven’t posted anything in several weeks, so here is an update on what I’ve been doing. I’ve been making a little progress on a new hummingbird window. So far, the hummingbird is ready and I’m working on the leaves for the first flower. I have been having trouble deciding on the color of glass for the flowers. The mica I’m planning to use for the background in this window is a deep blue, so I’m leaning toward orange flowers, but I really like pink flowers. We’ll see which color wins out.

Hummingbird ready to go!

I also made the first leaves for the flower out of the green glass I usually use for the hummingbird body. It doesn’t have striations, which I generally prefer for leaves, but we’ll see if I decide to switch to another type of glass or stick with this.

Bird and beginnings of leaves for the first flower
Bird and beginnings of leaves for the first flower

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