Operation Sight

Mermaid Tale
Mermaid Tale

This piece, Mermaid Tale, has been donated in support of the work of Operation Sight to provide sight-saving surgeries for South Carolinians suffering from cataracts or urgent, sight-threatening retina disorders. It will be available for bid at Operation Sight’s event:

Saturday, January 27 at 6pm
High Wire Distilling, Charleston, SC

Mermaid Tale

Mermaid Tale
Mermaid Tale

This piece, Mermaid Tale, has been donated in support of the work of Operation Sight to provide sight-saving surgeries for South Carolinians suffering from cataracts or urgent, sight-threatening retina disorders. It will be available for bid at Operation Sight’s event:

Saturday, January 27 at 6pm
High Wire Distilling, Charleston, SC

SC Artisans Center

I am excited to announce that Glass of Sherry pieces are now available at the South Carolina Artisans Center in Walterboro, SC. I’m looking forward to participating in events at the Center and am honored to be associated with this amazing organization! Since 1994, this non-profit center utilizes a retail shop, interpretive displays of Southern folk-life, live demonstrations, and educational and information programs as venues to communicate South Carolina’s culture to the public. By promoting the indigenous fine crafts produced exclusively by South Carolina artists, the Center works to create a better understanding of our rich and diverse cultural heritage.

Housed in a restored eight-room Victorian cottage, the center showcases over 300 of the finest Carolina artists, emphasizing traditional and indigenous folk art and contemporary crafts.

Address: 318 Wichman St
Walterboro, SC 29488
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 am – 5 pm
Phone: (843) 549-0011

The works above can be viewed and purchased by visiting the SC Artisan Center retail shop during it’s regular hours. I will also be participating in some of the upcoming events at the Center, held every month on the third Saturday from 10am – 2pm.

Surfin’ Starfish

Do you love this Surfin’ Starfish window? It can be yours! It will be available in the raffle at the W. B. Moody Foundation Golf Tournament on May 3rd at Wescott. Even if you aren’t a golfer, you can enjoy the 19th Hole – Kentucky Derby Viewing, Raffle Drawing and party! Learn more about the foundation and the event at https://wbmoodyfoundation.com/tournament/

Surfin' Starfish
Surfin’ Starfish

Beach themed scene in a recycled window. Mixed media – includes sea glass, sea shells, glass chips, frit and starfish set in resin. Approx 30 5/8″ wide x 28″ tall.

Nov. WA Artisans and Crafters Fair

Today was the November West Ashley Artisans and Crafters Fair at Citadel Mall. It’s always a lot of fun to see all of the talent and creativity our locals have! There were vendors with scenes in bottles, baked goods, bath and body products, candles, wreaths, toys, holiday items, jewelry and many more that I didn’t get a chance to see (I was solo manning my booth). I’m looking forward to the next fair – December 10th from 11am-4pm at Citadel Mall. Hope to see you there!

Hummingbird w/Flowers – done!

Here is how the Hummingbird with Flowers window turned out with the sapphire blue mica sky – photos outside in the sun. I will have this and other glass items at my booth at the West Ashley Artisans and Crafters Fair tomorrow (11/19) at the Citadel Mall.

Hummingbird with Flowers Window
Hummingbird with Flowers, approx. 30″ x 13.5″
View with indoor lighting