Rainbow Row

Today I started a project I’ve been thinking about doing for awhile. I started with a photograph of Rainbow Row, which is a notable row of colorful homes in downtown Charleston, SC. Yesterday I cut out the clear backer glass for these panels, so today I started planning the houses themselves. I cut rectangles out of construction paper to help me determine the sizes of the glass I would need in each color.

Rainbow Row photo and my construction paper rectangles.

Yesterday I set aside some glass that I thought would work well for the various colors of the houses. I don’t seem to have quite enough room to fit all of them on my rectangle bases, so I left the last two houses off for now.

Glass rectangles / roofs laid out on the clear backer glass.

Now I have to think about how much detail to add to the fronts of the houses. I’m not sure if I will paint the windows / doors / roofs or if I will leave them as is. I do plan on adding some trees, however. I’m not very good at painting, so that also factors into my decision. I might try it on the smaller panel and see how it goes.

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