Varying the “waters”

I signed up for a space at a local farmer’s market for the months of September and October, so I have been trying to build up an inventory of small things (smaller glass pieces and coasters) to sell in addition to my stained glass in recycled windows. I also bought some various blue glass materials to use for the water in the beach coasters. I decided to try three different types of glass for this round of coasters. I really love the look of the “Blue Shells” glass, so I used that for some. Additionally, I used some fairy garden glass chips and another shade of larger (but still tiny) fairy glass globs.

Fairy garden glass chips

Below is how the fairy glass globs looked when set in the resin.

Fairy glass globs set in the resin

I poured all of these coasters in two layers, one day apart. Since I learned that the type of resin I’m using is meant for thin applications, I went back to my old layering method of pouring. The demolding revealed another anomaly in the resin, however. The coasters with the fairy glass chips warped when they cured, so the tops of all four of them were uneven.

Poured coasters, 2nd layer

All the other coasters turned out to be fine, only the ones using that particular glass warped. They will obviously not be particularly useful as coasters with the tops so warped. After further inspection, I realized that one of the new molds I just purchased for coasters is defective, causing the warping. Unfortunately I wasted a lot of materials before I realized why the warping was occurring.

Coasters with fairy glass chips – warped.
Warping, close up view
Coasters with “blue shells” class chips

Another lesson learned. Luckily my new resins arrived today, so I can start using the proper resin for thicker molds going forward. The type I normally use is good for thin coatings only. I must just be fortunate that my previous coaster creations turned out fine using it!

Latest coasters – reveal

Here is how the latest batch of coasters came out. I was trying different colored pigments and also some new glass called “Blue Shells”. I *really* love this new glass. I bought it from Meyer Imports. By the way, I get no payment or promotion of any kind from any of the vendors whose products I use. I just share the info in case it helps someone.

Beach coasters using the Blue Shells glass chips for the water.
Gold nugget pigment.

I probably should have used more of the gold pigment in these, but I didn’t mix up enough. I can try this one again.

Purple pigment.
Bronze pigment.