More Rainbow Rows

I use the plain glass from half of an old window to make smaller projects, like these Rainbow Row pieces. The old window glass is used as the base / background for the little scene. I then cut stained glass in various colors. I use a photo of Rainbow Row as a reference to help plan the colors and shapes of the houses. I also noticed that one of the houses in my reference photo has a little garage off to the left, so I’m going to see how it looks with that added on the top panel.

Arranging the rectangles for the houses on the base glass
Adding detail – windows and doors
Adding roof / tree trunk detail

Today I finished cutting out the rectangles for the houses (I had already started some of them) as well as the doors and windows. I glued the house rectangles in place and arranged the other details while it dried. I will glue the windows, doors and tree trunks another day.