Upcoming Holiday Events

This year I won’t be participating in the market at the convention center. Instead, I will be at two smaller events at Citadel Mall. Details: November 19th fair/Christmas tree lighting and December 10th Santa’s Workshop fair. Each fair is 11:00am-4:00pm near the food court at Citadel Mall. Please stop by! I will have some special holiday themed smaller decorations / Swarovski and bead jewelry in addition to my usual glass and resin items.

At the November 19th event there will be a lighting of the community Christmas tree with our elected officials at 6:00pm and Holiday music throughout the day by our High School and Middle School Choirs. Some vendors will stay open past 4pm for the day long festivities!

The December 10th fair theme is Santa’s Workshop.

Nov Artisans & Crafters Fair
Artisans & Crafters Fair
Artisans & Crafters Fair
Dec Artisans & Crafters Fair

Hummingbird w/Flower

So I am taking this project in baby steps, but over the long weekend I added a flower to the hummingbird window I’m making. I plan on adding several more flowers and a vine in stained glass before I pour the resin and add the sapphire blue mica “sky” background. I will likely move this particular flower to a corner of the window, but for now it’s hanging out near the middle.

The hummingbird finally has a flower!

Hummingbird w/Mica Sky

I realized I haven’t posted anything in several weeks, so here is an update on what I’ve been doing. I’ve been making a little progress on a new hummingbird window. So far, the hummingbird is ready and I’m working on the leaves for the first flower. I have been having trouble deciding on the color of glass for the flowers. The mica I’m planning to use for the background in this window is a deep blue, so I’m leaning toward orange flowers, but I really like pink flowers. We’ll see which color wins out.

Hummingbird ready to go!

I also made the first leaves for the flower out of the green glass I usually use for the hummingbird body. It doesn’t have striations, which I generally prefer for leaves, but we’ll see if I decide to switch to another type of glass or stick with this.

Bird and beginnings of leaves for the first flower
Bird and beginnings of leaves for the first flower

June WA Artisans & Crafters Fair

I had a great time at yesterday’s West Ashley Artisans & Crafters Fair! These events are held near the Food Court entrance of Citadel Mall and are held the second Saturday of the month from 10am to 4pm. I’m planning on taking the next couple of months off from selling to focus on creating, so I won’t be at the July or August Fairs. I plan on being at the October, November and December ones for sure, and will decide on September when it is closer to the date. Until then, feel free to message me if you’d like something!

Booth at June WA Fair
Booth at June WA Fair
Booth at June WA Fair

Sea Glass Mirror, Take 2

I had already prepped a second mirror with backer glass, so I was ready to try my sea glass experiment with improvements incorporated. First I taped off the mirror glass, then I set about arranging / adhering the sea glass (this time deep blue) in place with mosaic adhesive. Now to wait a day or two for the mosaic adhesive to cure and we can try the resin coating.

Curing and ready for resin

Sea Glass Mirror – notes

So the resin was cured enough 24 hours later to take a look at how this experiment turned out. Conclusion: changes need to be made. First, I think I should have kept the sea glass within the edges of the clear backer glass. I can fill in empty spaces with glass chips / frit, or leave them plain resin. I think it is better to tape off the edges so that no resin spills over the edge. Keeping the sea glass inside the backer glass area will allow me to do that. Second, I think I should try to tape off the mirror glass. The resin did not smooth out well over this mirror, so it ends up with a “fun house” look when you are using it. The overall piece is pretty to look at, but not functional.

Seaglass Funhuse Mirror
Seaglass Funhuse Mirror
Seaglass Funhouse Mirror 10"x19"
Seaglass Funhouse Mirror, approximately 10″x19″

I’m not sure how best to tape off the mirror for my second try at this, but I have a few ideas.