Sun half way there

Today I filled in some of the empty spaces that were left (though not quite everything) and thought some more about bringing some pop to the design.

Trying out some options.

I tried some swirls, but ended up not really feeling the love for them.

Yellow swirls

Finally, I tried a double row of yellow glass around the “ball” of the sun and it seemed to work. I didn’t want it to be a complicated look – I like the bold simplicity of the orange sun and blue sky. I will likely add some accents when I pour the resin, though.

Double row of yellow.

I went ahead and glued the yellow glass in place in anticipation of pouring the resin tomorrow or the next day. After that, I decided to check the levelness of the window. I have been using some sawhorses and I didn’t think they would be level enough for this piece, so I cleared some space on my workbench (much better level, stable surface) and set it up there.

Glued and ready.

Yes, much better situation for pouring the resin. If the window isn’t level, the resin won’t settle evenly and you waste resin and have a wonky surface.

Check for level!

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