Wrapping up a few projects

Today I put the last few touches on two Rainbow Rows and the Llama and geared up to get the resin poured on everything. I’m still not sure about the Llama – need to decide if I like it with or without the little bird (why am I obsessing over such a small detail?).

I also added several more palm fronds (leaves) to the palm trees on my two Rainbow Rows, and some grass on one and a little tulip type flower on the other. I think I’m ready to resin these, as well as the SC flag I made the other day.

Rainbow Rows ready for resin

I have two more blue backgrounds cut for additional SC flags, so I thought I would go ahead and cut out the trees / crescents to go on them. However, after finishing the first Palmetto tree and starting on a crescent, my saw had an orange grommet failure and that halted progress on anything that requires the saw for a few days until I can get a replacement part and (hopefully) repair it. I say hopefully because I’m hoping only the orange grommet failed and I can get away with just swapping it out – but there could be other things going on that I haven’t noticed yet. Ah, the joys of using a ring saw!

That orange grommet is supposed to be a ring, not two “C” shaped pieces, and there’s supposed to be another orange grommet next to it on the blue collar.

My saw is a Taurus 3 and is many years old. I haven’t used it regularly in recent years and I probably should just replace all the rubber parts inside. I need it for projects like the Llama and the SC flag. For most of my other projects I generally cut the glass by hand and use a grinder to shape / smooth the pieces. I was able to finish up the crescent I was working on by hand cutting and then grinding the glass.

Closeup of the unhappy grommet. The other one fell down into the water bath.

At least I can pour the resin on these projects while I wait for the replacement parts to come in the mail.

Five projects ready for resin

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