Finishing touches

Today I needed to coat the edges of the canvas with resin and add another wave to the beach glass piece. I think I should have started the first wave on the beach up on the sand, so I tried adding one there at the same time as adding a second wave. I mixed 40 ml of resin and held back about 10cc for white for the waves.

Things got a bit out of hand for both of these. I smeared a bit too much resin on the top of the canvas. I should have just used some rubbing alcohol to remove it, but instead I tried coating the whole thing, but I didn’t have enough resin left to fully coat it. I ended up mixing another 40ml to help coat it. Hopefully it will turn out OK, though I’m mad at myself because it was really smooth before I did this. I also think I poured a bit too much of the white pigmented resin on the beach glass. I was hoping for a bit more separation between the waves. However, this is the first piece I’ve tried to make layered waves on so far, so it is a learning process.

Poured – before heat gun and torch

In the end, I think it will be ok, just not exactly what I had planned. I decided to add a starfish while I was at it.

After heat gun and torch, added a dried starfish

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