More small things

I needed to finish the second snowman ornament I started yesterday and use up some leftover glass, so today I made some smaller ornaments with Cardinals and some greenery, plus a few resin ornaments.

Laying out the glass pieces
Next I glued the hangers onto the base of the ornament.

Next I poured the resin, then added the glass chips and chunks for the snowy effect in the background. I always elevate the pieces on a silicone mold so I can wipe off drops while the resin cures. I have tried using painters tape around the edges of the back side, but it’s more trouble to me than doing this and I get better results.

Ornaments raised a bit off the work surface.
Close up view of the snowman ornament to show that it is raised off of the work surface.

I also poured the first layer and decorated a few more resin ornaments. I am using greenery from my yard and some store bought berries, as the ones from my yard don’t look as nice in the resin. Also some shells and beachy items.

First layer poured and decorated.
First layer poured for two beach-y ornaments.

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