Just a little more

So doing the wave layers just takes a short amount of time (maybe an hour total including setup and cleanup) each day, but here is today’s progress. First I mixed 80 ml of resin, setting aside a very small amount (about 1 TBSP) for the white pigment for the wave bubbles. I then spread the resin over most of the glass, leaving out most of the part where the sand and the first white bubbles are located. I then used the heat gun to remove bubbles and added a line of white resin all along the very edge of the clear resin.

Next I used the heat gun to spread the white pigment and then the torch to add detail to the bubbles.

I also had some touch up to do on the Palmetto and Crescent panel, as I added glass chips late last night and sprayed over them with resin spray and I wasn’t happy with the look. Soooo I spread another layer of clear resin over the panel and added the chips again. I also used the leftover clear resin to finish up one of the coasters from yesterday, so tomorrow I should be able to see how it looks. 🙂 I will also add at least one more wave to the beach panel (hopefully also tomorrow).

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