Corner Sun

My sister talked me out of adding the glass around the edge of the corner sun mosaic window, so I decided to pour the resin and add the blue shell background today. I prepared about 10ml of resin, which ended up being about 2-4ml too much. I poured the resin a bit too thick at the top of the window, so hopefully it won’t migrate too much while it is curing.

Corner sun, resin poured and blue shell in place

I also decided to experiment with some dichroic glass ornaments. I need to figure out a way to let the resin cure nicely on these, which is a challenge for me because they are small. I might need to find a way to let them cure vertically (hanging) instead of horizontally.

Dichroic glass “icicles” coated with resin

Sun in a Window

I like making sun mosaics. This one is peeking through from the top corner of a recycled window. I am planning to use the blue shell mica chips for the background, but might add some blue stained glass around the top and far left edges for definition.

Recycled window, approximately 13″ x 30″.
Background sky glass added around the top/left edges.

I cut the “sky” glass for the top and left edges around the sun, but am still deciding if I like it. The glass is beautiful, but I feel like the stripes might be too strong. Overall I like it so far, but I haven’t glued the pieces in place just in case.