Park Circle Farmers Market

I’ll be at the N. Charleston Farmers Market every Thursday in September and October (weather permitting). Come check out my booth!

Done with the tail

It’s not the best photo (I’m really not good at photographing these), but here is the finished Mermaid Tail Mosaic. Time to clean up a couple more old windows to recycle into the next artwork!

Mermaid Tail – stained glass, glass chips / flakes / globs, etc. set in resin, in a recycled window. Approximately 13.5″ x 30″

Tale of a Tail

I was having a bit of a mental block with the mermaid tail mosaic, but today I forged ahead and got it pretty much ready to pour the resin after the glue dries, maybe tomorrow.

Tail with slight shape adjustments

After I reshaped the tail slightly, I started trying out some different options for decorating.

Some glass balls on the edge?
Some seaweed?
Some small seaweed and bubbles?

I finally decided I liked the small seaweed and bubbles. I added some swirls and plan to add a variety of glass chips when I pour the resin.

Just waiting for the glue to dry now.

Starting a New Mosaic

I’ve been pretty busy making beads ( the past couple of weeks, but today I took some time to start another mosaic. I started with a huge sheet of Spectrum light blue iridized glass that I have been holding onto for a long time. I cut a good sized chunk of it off so it would fit on my work space and started to make pieces for the mosaic.

What was left after I cut some off for the mosaic.

Next I cut the smaller piece of glass into strips, and then into squares, and again into triangles and started arranging them on the window where I drew a mermaid’s tail a week or two ago.

Strips of glass
Squares of glass

First I laid out the outline of her tail, then started filling in the gaps.

Laying out the edges first

I haven’t glued anything down yet, just getting a feel for how it looks. I need to eyeball it for awhile to make sure I like where it is going before I commit with glue. I plan on filling in some more and then decorating with some glass embellishments after I pour the resin. I also need to decide how I want to decorate the background areas – will there be shells and seaweed? Maybe some swirls and bubbles? Still need to figure that out.

Most of the basic shape complete